Help Videos
We have assembled a list of useful Utube videos on E-Bike information topics. Click on the highlighted text (in RED) to activate the video.
If your topic is not listed email us at and we will include it on our next review.
1. How to do common E-Bike maintenance
2. When to service your bike
3. How to wash an E-Bike
4. How to stop destroying your E-Bike
5. 14 things you should never do on your E-Bike
6. E-Bike battery care
7. Are chainless Digital Drives E-Bikes for the future?
8. 10 E-MTB tips for beginners
9. The worst E-Bike Advice
10. Professional advice for Maintaining an E-Bike
11. The Pros and Cons of E-Bikes
12. Everyone should know this about E-Bikes
13. How to prepare your E-Bike for winter
14. What I learned from buying and riding my first E-Bike
15. All-In-One Bike Maintenance tutorial
17. Will E-Bikes replace trucks?
18. Useful lubricants & cleaners for your E-Mountain Bike
19. The step by step Bafang installation guide
20. 0 best E-Bikes for adults & useful E-Bike gadgets
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